Tuesday 25 June 2019

Do you stop acting brainy when its rainy?

So, do you stop acting brainy when its rainy?
Your brain on rains

It once rained emotions
on earth with just life and no relations…
It then rained togetherness
on the ground full of separations…
It rained for one’s birth
at other’s grave…
And now for food
since some hungry lives could be fed.

For some it rains solitude
For some, to find oneself
And at times it rains,
just to rain itself!

Although, it rains the same
for now and for all the history
Aaah, you know my dear,
It rains, drops of our memory!
And uptil all the living misery
It have rained and shall rain forever
The ‘Peace of Eternity’!

So, why are Rains described as “Peace’? Digging deep into the Neuroscience behind rains, it tells us that lack of sunlight creates pseudo-dark conditions which signal our pineal gland to secrete more of ‘Melatonin’- a sleep hormone, which is normally secreted at rest-phases. Melatonin brings a feeling of ‘calmness’. It binds to nerve receptors to slow down their activity to get you at ease. It also reduces dopamine levels which is your hormone in excitation. This is backed-up by the fact that the precursor of melatonin is ‘Serotonin’- your happy hormone. No doubt why pouring brings you joy!
Also, the rain sound or the thunders, kinda brings  feelings of a ‘focus shift’ to some people. The theory behind this is the concept of ‘Pink Noise’ (the frequency of noise that requires least energy to process by our brains).
In addition, rains lead to Petrichor- a soothing scent! You can ‘smell’ rain because of the geosmin molecule secreted by microbes in the wet earth. Humans are highly sensitive to this molecule. And since the sense of smell is closely linked with memory, remembering your lover and memories of rain-kisses are so acceptable! (blush!)
Moving onto a deeper level, people also state that rains make them ‘connect’ with themselves. I personally believe it may be because of that ‘feeling of calmness’ which actually calms your chaos and makes you think through your tenderness! It channelizes your deeper thoughts into louder voices that are finally heard! 
So this is why you really stop acting brainy when its rainy because rains act internally through hormonal system, sense of hearing, sense of smell and sense of soul!

-To all the pluviophiles,
 Happy Reading, Happy Monsoon!☺️❤️