Sunday 14 July 2019

Title? I don't care!

"I couldn’t think of a good title,
But I don’t care!"
Neuroscience behind Apathy

Mom said, “Stop, I cannot handle more.”
he saw his dad’s world shatter, but to him, it didn’t matter.
He even had a heartbreak, a girl with a good heart and pretty face
but he said, he couldn’t care less.
His dog, he saw, come in front of a car
He shrugged and said, It did live this far.
But something shook, he felt unwell
and with the last ounce of care he had left
He turned to the world, screamed and begged
Said, “Lend me your pains, I’ll heal and repair”
But unfortunately and at last,
he thought, even the world didn’t care!

Apathy, the brainy-dictionary states, is a neurological condition where emotions and concerns are extremely suppressed. At least once in our life we all have ‘felt’ or ‘deliberately displayed’ a lack of interest. It’s a natural response to disappointment, dejection or stress. So, ‘apathy’ is known to be a good ‘deviation’ to these negative feelings. But how far should we deviate until we loose the right track of our true purpose? How far until we are lost?
            I once met a person who was admitted to a mental health care for depression only to realize later that he was not ‘depressed’ but had no sense of happiness/motivation at all. How would he? Well according to him, he doesn’t really understand sadness or loss, or joy of achievement or the word ‘concern’. He says last time something bothered me was when everyone around me was asking the same question, “What exactly in life will bother you ever?”
Is he ‘The saddest person without any pains’? I cannot even call him ‘saddest’, because he is just ‘apathetic'. He isn’t careless or painless, but sure, a lot helpless!
            Neural correlates of apathy show faults in prefrontal cortex, anatomically. And that explains a lot about apathetic behavior- impaired emotional context, personality expression, decision making, socialism and survival concerns. Although, there’s much to be studied further,  after about 7 decades later its mention, this condition is still identified by subjective tests and the best cure still stops at ‘Comprehension’!
            So, to sum up, scientists discovered Apathy in 1950’s and guess what, ‘No one really cared’!