Monday 30 September 2019

Coffee-O' Clock

Coffee-O’ Clock
Why your brain craves coffee

My body rhythms to the time of coffee
So is it Coffee-O’ Clock yet?

I have a song somewhere in the background
Flowers and poetry are also along
But I have pending projects on my desk
And my brain needs deadlines to be set
I hope it is Coffee-O’ Clock yet!

Julie was mad at me, and this makes me sad
She isn’t responding to my calls
Did she get sick? I am worried now
Should I call again or should I just text?
Oh please! Is it Coffee-O’ Clock yet!

Lunch was heavy, no wonder I am sleepy
“Ray, meeting at 3”, my boss startled me
Mercy please, I didn’t get a good night, but who cares
I need to be alert and awake
I think yes it should be Coffee-O’ Clock yet!

Evening’s gone, but it was worth
I need a break from my work
But now that work-mail makes me weak
I’ll have to work and skip the sleep
No no, I can’t hold my sleep any longer
May be I’ll just work for an hour
And I make my alarms set
So now, is it Coffee-O’ Clock yet?

Coffee is the most commonly consumed circadian psychoactive substance worldwide. Caffeine- the active ingredient in coffee interacts with our central nervous system mainly through adenosine receptors. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter which promotes sleep when melatonin is high. Caffeine molecules compete with adenosine and when bound to receptors promotes activation of neurons and boost your brain functioning keeping you awake and alert. Caffeine also builds up our adrenaline and serotonin reserve. It prevents dopamine getting re-absorbed in the blood supply and hence, it stabilizes your mood by killing that ‘worry-monster’ and making you ‘feel-good’ chemically. Caffeine is said to be a potent stimulant since it sparks the ‘brain entropy’. This causes brain networks to fire and connect more efficiently which makes your brain process information at faster rate. More importantly it acts as a ‘Clutter-clearer’, cleaning your chaos, it helps you gain focus. Hence, coffee appears to improve cognitive performance and memory. Despite all the rewards, over consumption of caffeine or coffee-addiction is harmful to health and can cause circadian-rhythm disruption by disturbing your natural sleep-wake cycle. Health and Disease unit have already marked ‘Caffeine-use disorder’ as a prevailing health issue.
Lastly, as ‘moderation is the key’, I hope your body-watch strikes just twice at coffee-O’ clock!

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