Friday 24 May 2019


Neuroscience of imaginations

At this moment
With all the adjectives
you are just yourself
with your physical state
easy to see and locate

But where and who are you inside your head?
You have got the Power to be here and Elsewhere.

Here is your reality
In this knowable universe, on planet Earth
In this place you state as your world.
But do you have many worlds?
What is that different world of yours?
A different planet, different universe or a next Cosmos?
A written world, a visual world or a wonderland, perhaps?
A real world or fiction?
Exactly! You have got the power of Imagination.

This gives you a taste
Of the desired alternate perspect
You can flee
Away from current time and place
From your emotions and may be from yourself
It gives you a Power to Escape.

Is it a process or an art, in fact?
The prefrontal cortex masters the act
It shifts your ‘reference point’
Projects ‘self’ to ‘someone else’
From ‘now’ to ‘then’
And turns ‘here’ to ‘there’
A Power of changing reality to Elsewhere.

With every shift you make
A different neural network you create
You build up your mental workspace
New ideas are born
Resulting in setting new plans, goals and actions
Hence, “Intelligence isn’t knowledge
But the Power of Imaginations”

It also has a way through
The medial temporal lobe
That which can ‘remember’
And retrieve long term memories
A keeper of hope
A center of navigation
A part that gives you direction
A Power of well-directed Imagination

You can imagine whatever you desire
And for a moment you let go your fear
Thanks to oxytoxin that gets released
It calms you down, makes you happy
And you feel at ease.

So, when at times, in this overwhelming place
You feel helpless, depressed or powerless
I hope you don’t forget yourself entirely
You must remember this act of Infinity.

You may escape, create, wander or navigate
With your perfect imperfections
All you have is the